Take Home Your Very Own Guerrilla Art Mobiles!

Looking for a pop of color in your summer scenery? The Lawrence Arts Center has an opportunity for you to take some underground art into the mainstream! Two – and only two! – large driftwood and bead mobile pieces created in our most recent guerrilla arts camp are now available for purchase. All proceeds will go toward funding financial aid for youth education students.

Our guerrilla artists work hard creating meaningful pieces that affect their surrounding environments. Their works have been found in Lawrence as mushroom patches, pocket notes in consignment clothing, magnets, and more – all shared throughout the community. Now two of their most visible pieces are looking for permanent homes.

These mobile sculptures are one-of-a-kind, mixed-media collaborations. Each artist contributed individual hanging elements composed of recycled and repurposed materials including driftwood from our local river bank, bottle caps, acrylic paint, cotton cording and wooden beads. Their individual pieces were then united by instructors, forming a dynamic free-hanging sculpture. Each piece will be sold for $100.

Only two are available, so don’t wait! If you our interested in learning more about the project or purchasing one of the pieces, please contect our front desk staff at 785-843-2787. If you’d like to swing by the Arts Center and see the mobiles in action, please email Mariah Seifert at mariah@lawrenceartscenter.org!