Hello Stinky Cheese Man or Other Fairly Stupid Tales Cast!
Tech Week Starts Monday!
We need Parent Volunteers!
Next week is going to be a lot of things: exciting, exhausting, rewarding, and let’s not forget, fun!
A few tips and reminders to make next week run smoothly
– Get plenty of rest. We need everyone healthy and happy and that starts with a good night’s sleep.
– Bring a water bottle, every day. Summer in Kansas is definitely here, and it’s easy to get dehydrated with these high temps.
– Still bring a snack every day. We will have snack a little earlier than we have been, since there is no eating in costume- only water.
TECH WEEK SCHEDULE Monday- Thursday will be the same times as this week, 1-5pm.
Monday– we will do our tech rehearsal. This will be our first time on the stage with all of our scenery. We will work with props and add in all of the technical aspects: lights, microphones, scene changes. This can move slowly, so we ask that everyone bring a book.
Tuesday we will work notes, and then we will get into costumes- REMEMBER TO BRING YOUR BASE COSTUME
- You will leave your base costume here through the final performance, then you will take them home.
Wednesday– Dress Rehearsal w/ all the elements.
Thursday is our final dress rehearsal. Everyone is called at 1pm, we will work notes and then get into costume.
Final Dress will start at 3pm. Parents are welcome to come to this run and take non-flash photography. Doors will open at 2:50pm.
Friday – No rehearsal– we won’t see you until 6pm
1st Performance- Call time is 6pm, show starts at 7pm
Saturday- two performances!!!
Show 1: Call time is 1pm, show starts at 2pm
CAST PARTY- we will do a short cast party after the matinee. We will have popsicles outside (weather permitting)
**Cast Party 3-3:30pm*****
Dinner break 3:30-6pm
Show 2: Call time is 6pm, show starts at 7pm
STRIKE: We will strike for approx.. 30 minutes after the final performance.
Everyone will take all of their personal items with them at the end of the day.
Base Costumes
We would like ALL cast members to have their base costume here on Tuesday, July 19, at the top of rehearsal.
Please mark the items with your child’s name, either w/ a sharpie or a piece of tape on the inside.
They must be here Tuesday- and stay until the end of the run.
Any costume questions, please email Hanah at glimpsehanah@gmail.com
Parent Volunteers SIGN UP HERE
First and foremost, I would like to thank you in advance for volunteering your time and energy to be a part of our amazing summer theatre community. The Lawrence Arts Center welcomes and encourages parent/guardian volunteers as an important component of our process. We believe that parents enhance the experiences for young actors. Your involvement helps us to maintain a safe, secure, and nurturing environment for all of our performers, technicians, patrons, and staff.
Meet your Production Team
Leah Towle……….Director
Kayla Sandusky……Asstistant Director
Hanah Glimpse……Costume Designer
Ayla Clark…………….Intern