Missing Sculpture

Red Dancer Missing from Lawrence Arts Center

Lawrence, Kan. — The Red Dancer sculpture has gone missing from its location in front of the Lawrence Arts Center at 940 New Hampshire Street.

Since 2009, the missing sculpture, donated by artist Jan Gaumnitz, has stood in the same location, welcoming students and guests to the Arts Center. However, this morning, it disappeared without a trace.

“I came into work, like any other day, and I immediately knew something was wrong,” said Mariah Seifert, Director of Content. “I had to pause before it hit me: the Red Dancer is gone! Poof! How could an 18-foot sculpture disappear without anyone noticing?”

The Arts Center is seeking any tips about the Red Dancer’s whereabouts and any sightings. You can report them at lawrenceartscenter.org/find-the-red-dancer.

Further, volunteers are needed to greet students and visitors throughout the day in the Red Dancer’s absence. The only requirements are to dress in red and do a lil’ jig as patrons enter the building.

Social media posts using #findthereddancer are encouraged.