What is Play12?
Play12 is the Lawrence Arts Center’s youth performance company. It expands on the fundamentals of acting and focuses on the development of production, creation, community, and leadership skills through public performance.
The fall 2022 semester will focus on developing an original production, Pulp Fiction: Music Friction, alongside professional actors, musicians, and dancers. Each member will have an opportunity to write, design, and/or perform in this professional production that will open to the public on the Lawrence Arts Center’s mainstage. Rehearsals, tech week (10/24-10/26), and performances outside of class time (10/27-10/29) will be required. To join PLAY12 this session, please email Elizabeth Sullivan at elizabeth@lawrenceartscenter.org by September 11.
Description of the Show:
Indulge your senses in an original, live and interactive music performance inspired by Quentin Tarantino’s 1994 film, Pulp Fiction. Pull up a seat at Jack Rabbit Slim’s diner, co-conspire with Honey Bunny, and participate in a twist dance contest in an action-packed, live music performance. Celebrate this cult movie classic by coming dressed as your favorite character for this wonderful and bizarre postmodern theatrical experience.
How does Play12 work?
The company is facilitiated by Director of Performing Arts, Elizabeth Sullivan. The facilitator will lead the group to work together to make their own creative decisions.
When will Play12 meet?
PLAY12 is scheduled on Thursdays this semester, but may adjust in relation to company member schedules.
Weekly Class Meeting & Rehearsals: September 15- October 20, 5:00 PM-7:00 PM
Tech Week: October 24-26
Performances: October 27-29
How and where will Play12 meet?
This class takes place on the Mainstage at the Lawrence Arts Center.
Who can apply?
Ages 14-18
Do I need previous experience to apply?
No experience is necessary, but it may be helpful. We invite students of all abilities and experience levels. The facilitator utilizes games, creative writing exercises, and techniques. All meetings will be structured to prioritize all participants and adapt to the needs of the group.
How do I apply?
To join PLAY12 this fall, please email Elizabeth Sullivan at elizabeth@lawrenceartscenter.org by Sept 11.