Technical Theatre Interns for Good Morning Indian Country
Set up, run, and strike a new morning talk show at the Lawrence Arts Center, Good Morning Indian Country. Build sets, hang lighting instruments, curtains, run projections, sound, and lighting boards. Technical Theatre Interns will be trained by professional technicians prior to production and then run the production between January 18 – April 13, 2022. Interns are part of the Performing Arts team and allow students to gain professional experience and expand their knowledge of theatre production, livestreaming, sound, lighting, and scenery. These positions are paid.
Good Morning Indian Country is a six-episode, live-streamed morning talk show at the Lawrence Arts Center, featuring some of Indian Country’s finest in business, health and education. Aimed at increasing visibility and representation of Indigenous issues, this show will cover everything from high school sports to national news and serve as the “morning radio for the reservation.” Guest performers, humanities scholars, and culture-bearers will provide context for in-the-moment topics, grounding this news show in broader political, cultural, and historical contexts.
We are accepting applications now through December 17.
To apply, please fill out this application.
Questions? Please contact Elizabeth Sullivan: elizabeth@lawrenceartscenter.org