Make art with us when school is out! Camp themes explore a range of art media and techniques. Morning and afternoon projects are different, allowing campers to pair sessions for a full day. Campers are encouraged to bring a prepared snack. All-day campers should bring a sack lunch to join our supervised lunch bunch.
Youth School’s Out Camps:
Ages 6-8 & 9-12
Follow the links for details about each camp or to register today!
Friday, March 7th
Cold Blooded Critters
Celebrate cold-blood critters as we make art inspired by reptiles, amphibians, fish, and insects. We’ll make artwork full of pattern, color, and texture as we learn about these unique animals.
Cold Blooded Critters; ages 6-8
Cold Blooded Critters; ages 9-12
Thursday & Friday, March 13-14
Blended Arts: Hibernation Inspiration
Rise and shine and make art as we learn about hibernating animals. This blended arts camp will combine instruction in performance and visual art. We’ll tell stories and make art about animals that slumber in the winter to emerge in time for spring.
Blended Arts: Hibernation Inspiration (AM); ages 6-8
Blended Arts: Hibernation Inspiration (PM); ages 6-8
Blended Arts: Hibernation Inspiration (AM); ages 9-12
Blended Arts: Hibernation Inspiration (PM); ages 9-12
Monday-Friday, March 17-21
Guerilla Art
The Arts Center tradition continues with a week of art on the street! We’ll take on secret artist identities and make works of art in the studios, then chalk, plant, sticker, and hide our artworks in unexpected spaces to surprise people with positivity and togetherness.
Guerilla Art (AM); ages 6-8
Guerilla Art (PM); ages 6-8
Guerilla Art (AM); ages 9-12
Guerilla Art (PM); ages 9-12
Friday, April 18
Make Stuff!
This open-ended camp experience will give you the tools and skills to make what you want! We’ll learn special skills and techniques to make fun art objects and have access to a wide range of materials to experiment and your ideas!
Make Stuff! ages 6-8
Make Stuff! ages 9-12
Teen School’s Out Workshops:
ages 13-18
Follow the links for details about each workshop or to register today!
Friday, March 14
Teen Life Drawing: Open Model
Hone your drawing skills with a nude model. Students will receive individualized instruction and guidance while focusing on aspects of figure drawing to use within a portfolio or to gain confidence with the human form. Ages 14+ with written permission from a guardian.
Wednesday, March 19
Screen Print Crash Course
Jump into screen printing and learn the process from start to finish. Students will create an original design to print onto a t-shirt and posters.
Thursday, March 20
Fan Art Sketch Sesh
Experiment with new drawing tools and materials while creating artwork inspired by your favorite characters, show, book, or music!
Questions? Contact us