MAINTENANCE WORK March 24, 2020 • Andrew Russeth considers the role of art in a pandemic

“Perhaps to say so risks sounding deranged—or worse, frivolous. But I have derived some solace from thinking about art that seems to imagine—and even to anticipate—our moment.”

Read more in a relevant article written by Andrew Russeth for Art Forum. A good read for both artists and those who live with art.

IMAGE: Mierle Laderman Ukeles, Touch Sanitation Performance, 1979–80, citywide performance with 8,500 Sanitation workers across all fifty-nine New York City Sanitation districts, January 20, 1980, Sweep 5, Queens 60. Photo: Marcia Bricker. © Mierle Laderman Ukeles. Courtesy the artist and Ronald Feldman Gallery, New York.