By Rochelle Valverde on December 18, 2020
No matter what’s going on in the world around it, the sky is always blue and the sun is always out in Kitty City.
The funky neon cityscape in the Lawrence Arts Center’s window has now served as the temporary home of multiple litters of kittens as they wait to be adopted. Its skyscrapers are decorated with feathers and connected by plastic tubes and catwalks, and passersby on the New Hampshire Street sidewalk can watch the city’s residents play — and even consider taking one of them home.
It’s a collaborative effort between the Arts Center and the Lawrence Humane Society, and so far it’s helped the Humane Society find homes for several litters of kittens. Arts Center Exhibition Program Director Ben Ahlvers said the reception has been great, and that there is typically someone looking in on the exhibit whenever he stops by the Arts Center.