Our latest Ghost Light Performance Share comes from Amanda Pintore! Among Amanda’s many talents is making balloon animals, so watch as she makes a monkey twist into life before your very eyes…
Do you have a talent you’d like to share? Step up to the ghost light and show us what you got…
A ghost light is a single bulb left on a theatrical stage primarily for safety reasons, but also as a symbol for the arts to endure through even the dark times. While our doors may be closed at the moment, the light continues to shine on our stage and we invite you to join it virtually.
Read a poem, perform a dance step, sing a song, play your ukulele, share a story or memory, do an artistic demonstration of your talents, or tell us something funny.
How to submit your sharing:
- Please keep your video to 1-3 mins, 5 min max.
- Record with your phone, and make sure you hold your phone horizontally.
- To connect the pieces in this “Ghost Light Share,” grab a lamp, take off the lamp shade, and place it in the video with you. If you don’t have a lamp on hand, include any kind of light.
- Email a Youtube link of your video to elizabeth@lawrenceartscenter.org with the subject line “Ghost Light Share.” Tell us your name and title of your sharing (if you have one).
- Check back here each week for a link to see everyone’s sharings for the week via YouTube.
If you post to social media use #GhostLightShare and #LACStayCreative to connect with others.