Dear Lawrence: Share Your Story

Dear Lawrence,

Words on paper, even digital paper, can have power and help to bring clarity to our lives. We invite you to share your story in any written form: fiction or nonfiction, poetry or prose, journal or shopping list, etc. Your story may be as short as a meme or haiku, or as long as Don Quixote or Les Miserables. If you opt for a novel, please send us a sample text of no more than 500 words to share. Each Wednesday we will have new prompts to inspire you. Submit your stories the following Tuesday by 5pm. All ages are welcome!

Here’s how to share your story:

Week 5: Focus on the Big Picture

  • What has impressed you the most with Americans during the COVID-19 pandemic?
  • What do you think your first interactions will be like once shelter-in-place has ended?
  • How can we continue to support our front line workers after the pandemic subsides?
  • Asking for help can be a difficult thing to do, but if you need help the most important thing you can do is to ask for it. How has the pandemic adjusted your view on asking for help, or has it made you more aware of who needs help within the community?

Week 4: Focus on the Community

  • While we are in shelter-in-place, how are you able to engage in the community? What does this look like for you?
  • Art is a way to process our emotions, thoughts, and feelings. What medium do you like to use, and have you made any art influenced by COVID-19? Please share a picture and what it means to you.
  • If you could perform a simple act of kindness for one person today what would you do for them and why?
  • How can you show your appreciation for front-line and essential workers that are keeping the community running during the pandemic?

Week 3: Accentuate the positive part 2

  • What brings you comfort, or who is a constant in your life in these times?
  • What is your favorite dish to cook? Share your recipe and the story behind it!
  • How have you surprised  yourself in a good way lately?
  • Have you learned a new skill or hobby in the past few weeks? What is it, and how has it helped you?

Week 2: Accentuate the positive

  • What has been an unexpected surprise that has brought you joy this past week?
  • Has changing your daily routine improved your life in any unforeseen ways?
  • When the pandemic subsides, is there anything you would like to take with you from your new routine?
  • If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you like to go and why?

Week 1: Focus on yourself

  • How has COVID-19 affected your daily routine?
  • What impact has this had on you and your loved ones?
  • In what ways are you staying creative, using art, or engaging the right side of your brain? (That’s the creative side!)
  • What brings you hope each day?

So there it is. Pick one question, or pick them all. The choice is yours, but we want to hear your story. If you are just joining us, you can start with Week 1 or start on Week 2, or 3. Write what inspires you! Next week we will share your stories, and have new prompts that will reflect on the positive changes happening around us.