Couple who call themselves stewards of historic Old West Lawrence home often host visiting artists | LJW

By Lauren Fox on October 19, 2020

A late-19th-century home in the Old West Lawrence neighborhood is enriched by the diverse art collection its owners proudly display, as well as the visiting artists who often frequent the house.

Though owners and longtime Lawrence residents Burdett and Michel Loomis have no formal art training, their love of art has led to a grand collection and connections with artists all over the nation, many of whom stay in the Loomises’ second-floor guest rooms when visiting Lawrence for an exhibition.

“From the time we got married and had no money, we bought art,” Burdett said. “It’s absolutely enriched our lives both in terms of what we have on the walls … but also to get to know so many artists has been terrific.”

In addition to the couple’s extensive collection, their home itself, located at 701 Louisiana St., is historic, and they see themselves as its stewards. The Old West Lawrence Neighborhood joined the National Register of Historic Places in 1972.

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