Welcome Threads Advisory Board & Cast!
Our first rehearsal will take place Wednesday, January 19th from 6-7:30pm on the Mainstage.
The Advsiory Board and Cast will attend this rehearsal.
Diversity Advisory Board
Carole Cadue-Blackwood
Courtney Shipley
Kay Emerson
Krystin Arkeketa
Bailey Cate FitzGerald
Beatrix Johnson
Ben Spencer
Carole Cadue-Blackwood
Caroline Van Gemert
Carter Fincher
Chloe Novosel
Courtney Shipley
Donna Jackson
Elsie Neuhofel
Jeffrey Stolz
Sadie Mosier
Jimmy Beason
Kay Emerson
Krystin Arkeketa
Lily Otter
Lily Stuke
Michael Whinery
Penelope All
Penelope Salb
Randy Johnson
More on the Diversity Advsiory Board:
The Threads Diversity Advisory Board is a broadly representative and deliberative group of community members who discusses matters that concern the new play development of Threads in regards to diversity and inclusion. Members will serve as a sounding board for the production team and cast. The board will help ask important questions as well as consult and help shape the content, ideas, and narrative in and around the production as it relates to the past, present, and future of diversity and history in Lawrence.