Calling Actors Grades 4 & up + Adults for an Original New Play by Ric Averill
Auditions: Mon, Jan. 10 | 6-7:30pm on the Mainstage
Join Ric Averill in creating a family history of who founded or found Lawrence. Lawrence’s good, bad, and sometimes ugly relationship to abolition and the founding of our Free State is explored as we play out stories from prehistory to the here and now. Sound ambitious? Alternately comically absurd and deadly serious, actors will breathe life into each portrait of a Lawrence family facing the winds of temperance, women’s suffrage, civil rights, anti-war, women’s rights, the gay rights movements and more – you’ll be part of healing the past to prepare for a new future.
Play development production is searching for Actors for specific multi-cultural roles to foster diversity and authenticity to a theatre piece that explores the experiences of the entire Lawrence community from the early 1850’s to present times.
Actors involved in this production will explore and examine Lawrence history to provide input for devised scenes, give feedback on traditionally accepted narratives, and to revisit and renew the common story of Lawrence.
Storytelling, acting, singing, dancing and or playing instruments could also be a part of each actors contribution.
Who are we looking for?
Native American Actors – To portray a Native family in scenes that reflect life in Lawrence. The performers would do some monologues and some scenes. We can work with the actors schedule. Story Telling, Singing and/or Dancing is an asset. The performers will have the opportunity to help shape the language and viewpoint, building community as we explore.
Latinx Actors – To help portary history of Lawrence connected to La Yarda and the growth of the Mexican American Community in Lawrence. The evolution of the Mexican Fiesta as a Social institution and the importance of this community to Lawrence. Musicianship, singing and or Dancing is an asset. The performers will have the opportunity to help shape the language and viewpoint, building community as we explore.
African American Actors – To portray an African American family in scenes that reflect life in Lawrence. The performers would do some monologues and some scenes. We can work with the actors schedule. Story Telling, Singing and/or Dancing is an asset. The performers will have the opportunity to help shape the language and viewpoint, building community as we explore.
Experience is helpful but not necessary.
How do I Audition?
contact Elizabeth at elizabeth@lawrenceartscenter.org to set up an audition time
What is the Time Committment?
In-Person Auditions:
Saturday, January 8 | 10:30am-1pm
Monday, January 10 | 6:00-7:30pm on the Mainstage
*Everyone who is auditioning is called to attend this ensemble based audition. Please prepare a 30-60 second monolouge or poem and be parepared to work with others.
Cast List Up: Friday, January 14
Rehearsals: Actors are not called to all rehearsals. January 18–March 3 | Sundays 2-6pm, Mondays-Wednesdays 6-9pm, Thursday 7-9pm
Performances: Friday, March 4 at 7 pm & Saturday, March 5 at 2 pm & 7 pm
Please contact Elizabeth via email at elizabeth@lawrenceartscenter.org or call 785-843-2787 ext. 123 for an interview.