Rocket Relief is now accepting another round of applications for emergency grants to benefit individual artists in the region who are struggling financially through the Coronavirus pandemic.
A conglomerate of Kansas City-area arts organizations comprising Charlotte Street Foundation, Spencer Museum of Art, and ArtsKC Regional Arts Council has announced another round of open applications for Rocket Relief emergency grants. Applicants must live within an 80-mile radius of Kansas City, Mo. Recipients will be selected through a weighted lottery system offering $1,000 in unrestricted grants.
Earlier this summer, Rocket Relief provided grants to 143 area artists totaling $143,000. Seeing continued need, the group has decided to provide a second round of grants to regional artists whose livelihoods have been affected by COVID-19.
Artists who applied in the first cycle can update their applications between August 18 and September 8. New applicants can apply until funds are depleted. New applicants should have their information entered by the first lottery drawing, scheduled for September 18.
The first 10 recipients will be notified on September 25. Ten additional artists will be drawn from the lottery every week until funds are depleted. Applications may continue to be submitted and eligible applicants will be added to the pool until funds are gone. Additional information can be found on the Rocket Relief Frequently Asked Questions page.