Adding a Household Member to Enroll
If you currently have an account on the Lawrence Arts Center’s website, please follow the instructions below to add members to your household to more quickly and easily enroll multiple household members in classes.
If you need to create a new account, please see this post for instructions.
Step 1: Log out and log back into your account.
Step 2: Navigate to the “My Account” page.
Step 3: Go to the “My Household” section.
Step 4: Look for the “Add Household Member” button (tip: it’s the last section on this screen). Add members to your household — for example, children or spouses.
Step 5: Navigate to the classes you want to enroll in and click “Enroll Now.” The names of all household members will appear in the drop-down.
Step 6: Select the correct household member(s) and enroll!
Thank you for all your feedback about the new website! We have been working hard to implement changes quickly to the best online experience possible.
If you have any questions about your enrollment, please don’t hesitate to contact our front desk. They’re always ready and willing to help! Call at 785.843.2787 or Contact Us via email.