Kyla Strid: Cups of Conversation

This week marks the 1st annual National Clay Week—a time to “celebrate the journey of clay and unite the broader clay community through this material that we all know and love.” As a part of this celebration, potters from all over the country will be participating in “Cups of Conversation: 50 States,” a program designed to connect makers and their pots to people who otherwise would not have accessed them. Artists will be using their handmade cups as a catalyst for conversation, sharing, listening, and connecting with their neighbors. 

Our very own Director of Residencies and Adult Education and talented potter, Kyla Strid, was invited to represent the state of Kansas. Here she is sharing a chat and a cup of something steam in mugs she created with Channel 6’s “The Not So Late Show” host, Mike Anderson.  Join in the conversation with clay enthusiasts all over the country on social media using the hashtag: #cupsofconversation and/or #cupsofconversationks