Here is what we know is happening right now! Below, you will find updates from Natives Now, Yarn It Forward, Songs & Stories, and the Hang 12 Youth Corps Art Box… Featured image is the cover of the Songs and Stories of East Lawrence book “More Than Just a Neighborhood” with artwork by Tony Peterson.
Natives NOW is near completion of the mural at the Dragon’s Hoard building at 1045 Pennsylvania. Along the sidewalk on the 11th st mural, there are three chalkboard shapes for kids to interact. It is a B.Y.O.C (Bring Your Own Chalk) situation, and whatever chalk drawings are up by the end of July will be sealed in varnish.
Natives Now principal, Mona Cliff is also looking for private or public space to paint a smaller outdoor mural in East Lawrence. Additionally, Mona is looking for two volunteers to help dig holes for paw-paw seedlings mid-July. The paw-paw seedling planting will be the last planting for the Natives NOW project. You can visit the baby chokecherries and Persimmon saplings at 12th and Oregon, right by Oread Friends meeting place. X marks the spot.
There will be at the very least two projections at the Kaw Pavilion, at the Burroughs Creek Park along 15th ST, on July 11 and July 18. After dark. Lastly, four custom benches will be installed, at the end of June. The benches will be located at E 12th and Oregon near the Burroughs Creek Trail, in Hobbs Park near the playground, at 1245 Pennsylvania near the mural at the Dragons Hoard building, and a final location to be determined.
If you would like to volunteer, you can reach Mona at www.monacliff.com or follow Natives_NOW on Instagram.
The Yarn It Forward group is raising funds for St. Luke AME church in East Lawrence, KS. We have put together fun art kits that include materials and instructions to make a macramé plant holder, 2 tissue paper flowers, and 3 Ojos de Dios (assorted colors). CURRENTLY, there are just 15 kits left! You can get them for $15 each, or two for $25. 100% of profits will go to St. Luke AME church for operation costs. Tom Harper with Stephens Reality is matching all funds! Win Win! Payment can be made through Venmo (https://venmo.com/yarnitforward) or PayPal (YarnItForwardProject@gmail.com). Free local delivery or porch pick up at Kim’s house. House pickups can be paid with check or cash also. If you would like to purchase a bag and donate it to the Lawrence Community Shelter, please let us know!
Songs & Stories of East Lawrence, an East Ninth project, is thrilled to release More Than Just a Neighborhood, our East Lawrence anthology, on June 14. We think you’ll be delighted with the stories and poems we have here, including tales of Shelley Miller, Bill Hatke, Patrick Slick, Hannah Leibengood, and many others. You can get your copy through The Raven Bookstore, and the Raven will also be selling copies of Tony Peterson’s brilliant cover as a poster. The Raven is running a special promotion — the book plus Tony’s poster, for just $27.50. All proceeds from book sales benefit St Luke AME Church.
If you don’t wish to purchase the book , you can download your copy here: https://www.bravevoice.com/e-lawrence-project/songs-stories-of-east-lawrence-books-music-readings/. This page also offers links to the Wild East Walk people can do on their own, too!
The Art Box will have an installed by and opening date of June 26, as planned, but we will not have a community gathering at this time. We plan to have supply baggies of art supplies that folks can use to make art for the ArtBox. The supply bags will be available for pickup at Art Emergency. We are going to have art drop off be directly at the box, at 901 Pennsylvania St.