RFP 1 Research and Artist Reception
We had 27 fantastic applicants for RFP 1, Research. We thank each of those artists for the time and effort they put into their applications, and encourage them to apply for RFP 2, Pathways. (More details about that below.) Twelve of those twenty-seven artists were selected to present their projects to a panel of jurors on April 20th. Five of those twelve artists will then be selected by the jurors to complete their projects.The five new East Ninth Artists will present a short overview of their projects to the public on Thursday May 2nd, 7-9 PM, at the Lawrence Arts Center, in the large gallery. A mix and mingle event, you’re invited to attend this East Ninth Artists’ Presentation & Celebration! It’s free to attend, of course, and refreshments will be provided. Here’s a link to the Facebook event, if that’s helpful to you.
RFP 2 Pathways, Support Hours
RFP 2, Pathways has been out for a couple weeks, and it’s due on May 10th. You can read the full RFP on our website here. If, while you’re putting together your proposal, you find you have some questions, you can contact any team member by email: Mandy 9thstreetmandy@gmail.com, Alex alex@lawrenceartscenter.org, Lane and KT at elnaeastninth@gmail.com. Or, you can drop into our office hours, Wednesdays 5:30-6:00. You’ll find us all sitting near the meeting rooms in the northwest quadrant of the library, and if we’re not all occupied with another potential applicant, we’d be happy to meet with you. If half an hour isn’t enough, you can sign up for an hour long chat with a team member, on Wednesday April 24th, from 5:30 to 7:30, in Study Room #2 of the Lawrence Public Library. At that time, we can talk through budget questions, art selection criteria, or any other issues. Please only sign up for one time slot. Click here to reserve a time. There is also a facebook event for the Proposal Work Sessions.
For background information on the Project, and other materials, be sure to visit our website rebuildingeastninth.com.