Lawrence Arts Center Announces Artists Selected for Artist INC Live 2019
The Lawrence Arts Center announces Artists selected for the Artist INC Live 2019 seminar. Artist INC is a nationally-recognized arts entrepreneurship program designed to give artists from all disciplines the business training and support needed to strengthen their art practice and grow their arts business. Artist INC Live in Lawrence is presented in partnership with Mid-America Arts Alliance and the Kansas Creative Arts Industries Commission.
Area artists selected for the 8-week session that begins January 15th, 2019 include:
Morgan Barton
Daniel Born
Leslie Campbell
Katie Curry
Nathan Ditzler
Amy Eff
Katie Foster
Lana Haas
Cole Heck
Jackie Hedeman
Blanca Herrada
Miranda Johnson
Lora Jost
Laura Konecne
Cathy Ledeker
Maria Martin
Kim Mcdaneld
Adam Meistrell
Kristin Morland
Edward Noonen
Ailecia Ruscin
Jen Unekis
Cue Wright
Rick Wright
Artists are selected for the program through a competitive application process and panel comprised of Artist INC alumni representing a range of artistic disciplines. Criteria for acceptance are focused on the quality of artistic work, with consideration given for an artist’s career goals and overall readiness for the program.
“Bringing the Artist INC program to Lawrence is a great opportunity to strengthen our creative community and for our artists to develop meaningful relationships with artists outside of their discipline, while also learning the business skills to create a sustainable career,” explains Kyla Strid, Director of Residencies and Adult Education at the Lawrence Arts Center and lead Administrator for Artist INC Live this year.
The Artist INC Live workshop addresses the specific business needs and challenges artists of all disciplines face every day. Artists gather for one night a week for eight weeks to learn business skills specific to their art practice and work to hone and apply those skills cooperatively with their peers. Using an innovative class design, artists learn and grow together through artist facilitator mentoring, small group application activities, as well as large group discussion and multi-media lecture. Through mentorship, expert presentations, and peer networks, artists will gain:
- Tools and skills in arts planning, marketing, finance, law, and technology;
- An increased knowledge of, and ability to access, local and national art business resources;
- A strategic artist’s plan for pursuing, marketing, and sustaining their art; and
- A long-term network of cross-discipline, diverse artists to provide peer learning and support into the future.
Peer facilitators for Artist INC Live in Lawrence are; Priscilla Howe – Storyteller, Molly Krause – Writer, Molly Murphy – Visual Artist, Kirsten Paludan – Musician, and Kent Smith – Visual Artist.
Artist INC is a collaborative partnership of the University of Missouri-Kansas City Innovation Center and Mid-America Arts Alliance. Launched in 2007, Artist INC connects artists of all disciplines to the tools, resources, and opportunities necessary to develop their entrepreneurial skills and strengthen their artistic practice.
Artist INC Live is supported by Mid-America Arts Alliance, the National Endowment for the Arts, and foundations, corporations, and individuals throughout Arkansas, Kansas, Missouri, Oklahoma, and Texas.
Mid-America Arts Alliance (M-AAA) strengthens and supports artists, cultural organizations, and communities throughout our region and beyond. We achieve this primarily through our national traveling exhibition programs, innovative leadership development, and strategic grant making. We are especially committed to enriching the cultural life of historically underserved communities by providing high quality, meaningful, and accessible arts and culture programs and services. Each year M-AAA’s programs reach one million people. We believe in more art for more people.