Farewell Rachel!

What I will miss most about Rachel is absolutely everything!



Rachel drinking yerba mate out of that weird little mate cup. With a metal straw.

Rachel dying her hair pink and dying other people’s hair equally weird colors.

Rachel’s leggings. Leggings forever!

Rachel’s awesome finger nails.

Rachel wearing platform tevas. Rachel’s endless supply of kombucha.

Rachel hiding secret messages in my purse.

Rachel giving seven minute haircuts and sometimes even longer haircuts upon demand!

Rachel making everyone standing desks out of boxes and books because…hey, why not?

Rachel’s hugs. They are the best.

Sarah Bishop


How is it possible that we got so lucky to have Rachel in our lives?  I remember upon interviewing her, the entire room erupted into jubilant consensus the moment we disconnected the Skype.  We all knew she was the perfect person to be a part of our team and we would scrap and scrape to get her to Lawrence.  She did more than live up to the hype; she exceeded it.  Each day she’d come in so positive, ticking things off her always evolving to do list.  Throw twenty bowls. Check.  Fix a kiln. Check. Drive to some random person’s house and dig through years of ancient art supplies. Check.  There was no end to the lengths she’d go to ensure a joyful and creative time was had by all.

I remember one day we decided to go dumpster diving at Crown Automotive because Box City was quickly approaching.  Potentially, sorting through bins and bins of old cardboard could have been arduous and joyless, but, with Rachel, it was an adventure.  This became the case with all our tasks.  Whether we were pressure washing Guerilla Arts portraits off buildings or spray-painting tiny brick walls, it was all fun because Rachel is fun.  I will so miss the spirit of joy she brought to all the making and doing that goes on here.

Neal Barbour


When I Think of Rachel, I definitely think of her awesome sense of style! It was also so nice of her to share all that delicious kombucha with us!!

Elsa Latare


things I will miss about Rachel

cool sneakers

bringing my supplies before I even know I needed them

surprising the printshop with random donated supplies

awesome hair and soap

…..and a genuinely nice hard working person

Tressa Jones


Rachel’s raw playfulness make her one of the most approachable and fun people I’ve ever met.   This is closely followed by her generous thoughtful attitude.

Elizabeth Sullivan


I’ll miss Rachel’s constant positivity and good vibes in the office. She fills the office with songs and cat stories. I love that Rachel is unafraid to be herself and lives life with no filter.

Lacee Hanson Newton


I will certainly miss her and her unique holiday gifts. The bar of soap she made lives at my desk and keeps the air from getting stale.



Things I will miss: Seeing Rachel’s colorful leggings. The best soap in the world. Little moon monsters. Your big heart.

Cate Richards


I will miss Rachel’s incredible sense of humor and positive energy – and I still think she was an artist in residence who got a job here…J/K…She is on to wonderful family fun and adventures – all the best, good stuff to her!

Heather Hoy


I’m going to miss talking to Rachel because she makes me feel like we’ve been friends forever even though I’ve only known her a short time. She has a contagious attitude of joy and excitement whenever she’s around. She rocks and I’m so excited for her.

Alex Olson


Rachel was always so pleasant to be around. There was always an interesting conversation, food ideas or just a big smile.

It was a pleasure working with her and I will miss her.

Best wishes always

Stacy Galloway Haywood


What I will miss most about Rachel is her uncanny ability to know just what is needed at every moment. When you forget your lunch, she shows up with delicious leftovers from home that she insists she wasn’t going to eat anyway. When your classroom materials walk away, Rachel will create simple machines from paper clips and wax paper in ways that seem to defy both logic and gravity. She can find the perfect cat photograph at a moment’s notice to erase even the most resolute of Monday morning grumpiness and can find a natural home remedy for any undiagnosed ailment. The office will not be the same without her, but we can all take solace in the fact that her Wonder Woman skill set is sure to bring joy in her life’s next adventure. Onward and upwards, dear Rachel, and thank you for sharing your many talents with us here at the Arts Center!

Marlo Angell