Looking for something to do this Friday night? Come to Story Slam, our monthly event where people share stories based on a theme. This month’s theme is Cut Loose.
There are all types of stories, and any story is welcome. Some people plan stories beforehand. People share impromptu stories, short stories, and longer stories. The storytellers are a mix of regulars and new attendees, and a mix of people speaking up for the first time and seasoned story tellers such as pastors. Audience members are welcome to just watch as well. In fact, there are often a hundred people in the audience, and around 15 people have time to tell stories. Come share your story or listen to others in this cabaret-style space complete with a bar.
We checked in with one of our technicians, Landon Noll, who often works the event to see what he thought about it. He liked the fact that stories are focused on a theme. “Each theme will ignite a different idea in everyone’s head,” which means you hear many perspectives in the course of the evening. Landon recalled that one person told a really awesome story about her childhood along the lines of being a good liar. “I think the theme was lies,” he noted. “We got a lot of good stories from that.”
“I enjoy working the event because I get to listen to the stories and enjoy the evening with the rest of the community.” Landon thinks that Story Slam is one of the more unique events held at the Lawrence Arts Center. “You never know what kind of story you are going to hear, or who is going to show up and tell a story. You make great relationships and friends out of it, because storytelling is the most basic way of communicating and connecting.”
Come check out Story Slam this Friday, March 9, in the Lawrence Arts Center black box. Live music starts at 7:00 and stories start at 7:30. All adults 18 + are welcome.