Unicorn Training Hullabaloo Extravaganza[24SU]

Unicorn Training Hullabaloo Extravaganza[24SU]
06/3/24 - 06/7/24, 9:00AM - 11:30AM | MO, TU, WE, TH, FR
Ages 6 to 10 | Kayla Sandusky | 10th & Mass Studios
Enrolling Now | CZROOKB
Members $112.5 | Non-Members $125
Calling all aspiring Unicorns! Join us for heroic adventures in the Unicorn Training Hullabaloo Camp. Young recruits will develop their own magical story, complete with dynamic original characters, action-packed sets, and costumes that showcase their newfound unicorn powers. Get ready for a hullabaloo of excitement! SYT placement is by grade, contact us if you have questions about which program to enroll your child.

Enrolling Now

$ 125

Please login before enrolling.

Apply for financial aid. A 10% deposit is required.
Please call (785) 843-2787 in order to finish enrolling with financial aid.

Class Registration

Please head to your account and add a household member.(Required)
Liability Waiver(Required)
Refund Policy(Required)
Youth Classes | Pick-Up & Drop-Off Policy
Youth Classes | Field Trip Opt Out
Youth Classes | Medication Required
Image Use Waiver(Required)
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