Super-Big & Teeny-Tiny; Ages 6-8 AM[24SU]

Super-Big & Teeny-Tiny; Ages 6-8 AM[24SU]
07/8/24 - 07/12/24, 9:00AM - 12:00PM | MO, TU, WE, TH, FR
Ages 6 to 8 | TBD | Lawrence Arts Center
Completed | CY68A6
Members $135 | Non-Members $150
Use your art like a magic spell to make everyday things super-big or teeny-tiny. We’ll learn to create large artworks that will show us how to see small things in new ways and we will shrink giant objects into small works of art that can fit in our pockets.



Class Registration

Please head to your account and add a household member.(Required)
Liability Waiver(Required)
Refund Policy(Required)
Youth Classes | Pick-Up & Drop-Off Policy
Youth Classes | Field Trip Opt Out
Youth Classes | Medication Required
Image Use Waiver(Required)
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