Oil Painting: Start to Finish[24SU]

Oil Painting: Start to Finish[24SU]
07/22/24 - 07/26/24, 9:30AM - 12:00PM | MO, TU, WE, TH, FR
Ages 13 to 18 | Rachel Downs-Doubrava | Lawrence Arts Center
Enrolling Now | CYT21A8
Members $144 | Non-Members $160
Investigate oil painting from surface construction to final touches in this camp that will teach you how to work with oil from thin glazed layers to thick impasto techniques. Students will explore personal mood and experience to create individual abstract expressions.

Enrolling Now

$ 160

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Apply for financial aid. A 10% deposit is required.
Please call (785) 843-2787 in order to finish enrolling with financial aid.

Class Registration

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Youth Classes | Pick-Up & Drop-Off Policy
Youth Classes | Field Trip Opt Out
Youth Classes | Medication Required
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