Cut-Ups & Cut-Outs: From Photo to Paper-Cut[24SU]

Cut-Ups & Cut-Outs: From Photo to Paper-Cut[24SU]
07/15/24 - 07/19/24, 1:30PM - 4:00PM | MO, TU, WE, TH, FR
Ages 13 to 18 | Alicia Kelly | Lawrence Arts Center
Enrolling Now | CYTPP7
Members $135 | Non-Members $150
Learn to create intricate cut-paper designs with an X-Acto knife in this camp that will provide first-hand insight into this unique art form with instruction from Lawrence cut-paper artist Alicia Kelly and Zoom conversations LAC exhibiting artist Rosa Leff. Each student will create an original, framed, cut-paper design inspired by investigative walks down Mass Street with our sketchbooks or cameras.

Enrolling Now

$ 150

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Apply for financial aid. A 10% deposit is required.
Please call (785) 843-2787 in order to finish enrolling with financial aid.

Class Registration

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Youth Classes | Pick-Up & Drop-Off Policy
Youth Classes | Field Trip Opt Out
Youth Classes | Medication Required
Image Use Waiver(Required)
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