Draw & Paint; Ages 9-12 (A)[25WSP]

Draw & Paint; Ages 9-12 (A)[25WSP]
01/30/25 - 03/6/25, 4:30PM - 6:00PM | TH
Ages 9 to 12 | Katie Alldritt | Lawrence Arts Center
Class is Full - contact about waitlist | WY912DPA
Members $150 | Non-Members $150
Have fun exploring new drawing and painting techniques and tools! Students will have the opportunity to use acrylics, watercolors, pastels, ink, markers, and more to develop personal art styles.

Class is Full - contact about waitlist

Class Registration

Please head to your account and add a household member.(Required)
Liability Waiver(Required)
Refund Policy(Required)
Youth Classes | Pick-Up & Drop-Off Policy
Youth Classes | Field Trip Opt Out
Youth Classes | Medication Required
Image Use Waiver(Required)
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SKU: WY912DPA Categories: ,

Join Waitlist

Please provide your contact information to join the waitlist. We will contact you if a class seat becomes available.

Emergency Contact Name(Required)
Find this next to "Enrolling Now" below the class ages, instructor name and class location.
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Class Registration

Please head to your account and add a household member.(Required)
Liability Waiver(Required)
Refund Policy(Required)
Youth Classes | Pick-Up & Drop-Off Policy
Youth Classes | Field Trip Opt Out
Youth Classes | Medication Required
Image Use Waiver(Required)
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.
