Alice in Wonderland, School of Dance Production[25WSP]

Alice in Wonderland, School of Dance Production[25WSP]
01/24/25 - 03/15/25, 9:00AM - 9:00PM | FR, SA, SU
Ages 7 to 120 | Paige E Patterson Comparato | 10th & Mass Studios
Enrolling Now | WDAW
Members $165 | Non-Members $165
Those interested must register and attend auditions on Jan. 11.

Those enrolling are expected to be familiar with general policies, attire, and opportunities outlined in the School of Dance Handbook.

Have a dance-specific question? Contact the School of Dance

Enrolling Now

$ 165

Please login before enrolling.

Apply for financial aid. A 10% deposit is required.
Please call (785) 843-2787 in order to finish enrolling with financial aid.

Class Registration

Please head to your account and add a household member.(Required)
Liability Waiver(Required)
Refund Policy(Required)
Youth Classes | Pick-Up & Drop-Off Policy
Youth Classes | Field Trip Opt Out
Youth Classes | Medication Required
Image Use Waiver(Required)
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