Shakespearean Insults & Stage Combat[24FA]

Shakespearean Insults & Stage Combat[24FA]
10/19/24 - 11/16/24, 1:00PM - 1:55PM | SA
Ages 11 to 14 | Jeanne C. Averill | 10th & Mass Studios
Enrolling Now | FTMY136
Members $100 | Non-Members $100
Become a master of the Shakespearean insult. But wait, there's more. The class will also teach the stage combat that comes about as the result of these insults. Create your own Shakespearean scene, complete with a Shakespearean plot, language, insults, and fight choreography.

Enrolling Now

$ 100

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Apply for financial aid. A 10% deposit is required.
Please call (785) 843-2787 in order to finish enrolling with financial aid.

Class Registration

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Youth Classes | Medication Required
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