Writing Classes in Lawrence

The Pen is Mightier

person drawing in noteboook
woman stacking photos
woman stacking notecards

Find the Right Words

Do you want to explore the written word? Written communication is a huge part of our daily lives, and mastering creative writing skills improves your ability to communicate with others in all forms.

You could be working on your 8th novel, or maybe you haven’t tried to write something longer than an email since you were in school—no matter where you are as a writer, you can find a great writing class at Lawrence Arts Center.

Our Facilities & Curriculum

Our Writing Curriculum

The writing classes we offer cover everything from the fundamentals of creative writing to exploring your personal expression through methods like restorative journaling. The choice is yours! Learn more about what to expect from each course’s curriculum in the course descriptions.

Where You’ll Find Our Writing Classes

At the Lawrence Art Center, we have dedicated spaces and community partners for our writing classes.

Current Classes

Creative Writing

Revision to Submission: Getting Your Work Ready for Publication[25WSP]
04/9/25 - 05/14/25, 7:00PM - 8:30PM | WE
Ages 14 to 120 | Jenea Havener | Lawrence Arts Center
Enrolling Now | SAW13
Members $130 | Non-Members $130
Have a short story or essay you'd like to see published? In this class we'll discuss how to edit and revise your work to give it the best chance followed by the ins and outs of submitting to literary journals.
Revisionist Memory[25SU]
06/14/25 - 06/14/25, 1:00PM - 4:00PM | SA
Ages 14 to 120 | Jenea Havener | Lawrence Arts Center
N/A | CAW16
Members $60 | Non-Members $60
It's writing meets therapy in this three-hour workshop! Your life is a story, and your memories are full of writing inspiration. I'll help you mine your history to write memoir, poetry, essays and stories - any genre you choose.
Finding Your Writing Practice[25SU]
06/5/25 - 07/31/25, 5:00PM - 7:00PM | TH
Ages 14 to 120 | Colleen Morrissey | Lawrence Arts Center
N/A | CAW14
Members $190 | Non-Members $190
Oftentimes, the hardest part of writing is just getting started. Find your ideal writing ritual in this class by experimenting with prompts, journaling, dictation, and other jump-start skills to help you craft your fiction, nonfiction, or poetry. No class June 19th.
Prairie Practice Writing Workshop[25SU]
06/4/25 - 07/9/25, 6:00PM - 8:00PM | WE
Ages 14 to 120 | TBD | Lawrence Arts Center
N/A | CAW13
Members $170 | Non-Members $170
Incorporating concepts of rewilding and ceremonial practices, this writing course will explore ways to give voice to the prairie. Workshop includes readings, seasonal traditions, and writing exercises. Optional field trip to the Tallgrass Prairie National Preserve on Saturday, June 21.

Make Art Part of Your Daily Life

Interested in enrolling in a writing class? We have financial aid available to those who need it to ensure classes are accessible to everyone.

Art is for Everyone

Making Art Accessible to All

Lawrence Arts Center is here to ensure anyone—of any age and any background—can connect with a supportive community and flex their creative muscles. With contemporary exhibitions, performances, and an array of art education classes for adults and kids, everyone will find something that’s right for them.

Our primary state-of-the-art facility at 940 New Hampshire St. features classrooms, studios, theatres, and more. We also have a satellite space for classes at 10th & Mass Studios!

Why Should You Consider Writing Classes