Printmaking Classes in Lawrence

Explore printmaking

person making prints
person making prints
woman doing art together

Embrace Paper In a Digital World

Print media and Paper Arts are some of the oldest crafts forms, rich with history. Printmaking is the art of making multiples and bringing art to the masses—or your friends! Prints are for telling stories, capturing moments, and can be wearable, highly rendered, or abstract. Black and white, colorful, complex, simple, flat, dimensional—the possibilities are endless!

The Lawrence Art Center believes everyone is an artist–all you need to unleash it is a little guidance!

With financial aid available, adult painting classes and drawing classes in Lawrence are open to everyone who wants to learn about the visual arts.

Our Facilities & Curriculum

The Path to Your Prints

The paper arts and printmaking classes we offer cover various topics, like relief printing and monotype, for skill levels from beginner to those mastering advanced skills or seeking self-guided open studio time. The choice is yours! For our adult visual arts classes, the descriptions list what to expect from the courses.

Where You’ll Find Our Printmaking Classes

At the Lawrence Art Center, we have dedicated space for our printmaking classes to ensure you have everything you need to succeed. Our facility includes a printmaking studio in addition to a painting studio and two visual arts studios, a ceramics studio, digital media lab, a metals, jewelry and fibers studio, and a photography studio.

Printmaking Studio

  • Vandercook Letterpress
  • Sturgis and Griffin Etching Presses
  • Type collection
  • Acid room
  • Silk screen exposure unit and facilities

Current Classes

Paper Arts & Printmaking

Paper Weaving Workshop[25WSP]
05/19/25 - 05/23/25, 5:00PM - 6:30PM | MO, TU, WE, TH, FR
Ages 14 to 120 | Kathryn Combs | Lawrence Arts Center
Enrolling Now | SAT55
Members $130 | Non-Members $130
Explore new ways of working with paper using the simple technique of weaving. From photographs, to beautiful papers, and even recycled product packaging; if it’s flat you can weave with it. Make your own composition from materials of your choice.
MAKE IT POP! Intro to Pop Up Book Techniques[25WSP]
03/24/25 - 05/12/25, 5:30PM - 7:00PM | MO
Ages 14 to 120 | Alicia Kelly | Lawrence Arts Center
Enrolling Now | SAT21
Members $210 | Non-Members $210
Experimenting with pop-up book structures, simple folding techniques and movable mechanics, this class introduces students to the versatility of paper and how to create movement and motion with a two-dimensional material.
Experimental Screenprinting[25WSP]
03/27/25 - 05/15/25, 6:30PM - 8:30PM | TH
Ages 14 to 120 | Anthony Corraro | Lawrence Arts Center
Enrolling Now | SAT24
Members $220 | Non-Members $220
Screen printing is a versatile medium which can utilize a variety of different mediums and surfaces. This course will review screen printing with unconventional substances such as powders, adhesives, and pastes. Students will also explore screen printing on unconventional surfaces.
03/26/25 - 05/14/25, 6:30PM - 8:30PM | WE
Ages 14 to 120 | Anthony Corraro | Lawrence Arts Center
Enrolling Now | SAT13
Members $220 | Non-Members $220
Explore the intuitive and expressive style of monotype printmaking in this beginner-friendly course. Through the various techniques of tracing, stenciling, wiping, and layering, students will create one-of-a-kind prints with a wide range of textures, colors, and mark making.
Intro to Printmaking [25WSP]
03/25/25 - 05/13/25, 5:30PM - 7:30PM | TU
Ages 14 to 120 | Kathryn Combs | Lawrence Arts Center
Enrolling Now | SAD32
Members $220 | Non-Members $220
Printmaking is the process of transferring ink from one surface to another, creating an original but repeatable artwork. In this class, you’ll get a taste of three printmaking processes, collagraph (collage printing), relief (stamp making) and intaglio (copper plate printing).
03/24/25 - 05/12/25, 7:00PM - 9:00PM | MO
Ages 14 to 120 | Tim OBrien | Lawrence Arts Center
Class is Full - contact about waitlist | SAT11
Members $220 | Non-Members $220
If you like the written word and making images, this class gives you a chance to combine the two. Learn how to design, set, and print type to create stationery, business cards and broadsheets, or your own project. This class will also introduce linoleum carving and pressure printing techniques.
Screenprinting CMYK[25SU]
06/3/25 - 07/22/25, 6:00PM - 8:00PM | TU
Ages 14 to 120 | Anthony Corraro | Lawrence Arts Center
N/A | CAT22
Members $220 | Non-Members $220
Learn how to convert digital designs and photographs into screen prints using the CMYK method. This class will first review the basics of the process, then it will encourage students to experiment with different techniques.
Relief Printmaking[25SU]
06/4/25 - 07/23/25, 5:30PM - 7:30PM | WE
Ages 14 to 120 | Anthony Corraro | Lawrence Arts Center
N/A | CAT13
Members $180 | Non-Members $180
This class will introduce relief printmaking. Students will learn to carve and print their designs using various materials such as linoleum and wood.
Copper, Iron, Salt: Beginning Intaglio[25SU]
06/5/25 - 07/31/25, 5:30PM - 7:30PM | TH
Ages 14 to 120 | Kathryn Combs | Lawrence Arts Center
N/A | CAT34
Members $220 | Non-Members $220
Learn the mesmerizing art of intaglio printmaking, where images are etched or engraved into metal plates. Create rich, detailed prints while exploring traditional and contemporary techniques across 8 weeks. No class on June 19th
06/2/25 - 07/21/25, 7:00PM - 9:00PM | MO
Ages 14 to 120 | Tim OBrien | Lawrence Arts Center
N/A | CAT11
Members $220 | Non-Members $220
If you like the written word and making images, this class gives you a chance to combine the two. Learn how to design, set, and print type to create stationery, business cards and broadsheets, or your own project. This class will also introduce linoleum carving and pressure printing techniques.

Class Gallery

Submit Your Artwork

making prints with ink

Make Art Part of Your Daily Life

Interested in enrolling in a paper arts or printmaking class? We have financial aid available to those who need it to ensure classes are accessible to everyone.


Art is for Everyone

Making Art Accessible to All

Lawrence Arts Center is here to ensure anyone—of any age and any background—can connect with a supportive community and flex their creative muscles. With contemporary exhibitions, performances, and an array of art education classes for adults and kids, everyone will find something that’s right for them.

Our primary state-of-the-art facility at 940 New Hampshire St. features classrooms, studios, theatres, and more. We also have a satellite space for classes at 10th & Mass Studios!

empty classroom

Why Should You Consider Paper Arts & Printmaking Classes