Cast Hub
The Nutcracker, A Kansas Ballet Cast Hub 2024
Hello and welcome to the Nutcracker, A Kansas Ballet Cast Hub!
Here you will find all cast-related items. Be sure to bookmark this page and check back often for updates.

Important Links
Rehearsal Schedule
Attending all assigned rehearsals is mandatory.
Rehearsals occur at different times and locations for different groups. Understudies are to attend all scheduled rehearsals for their understudy role.
Refer to the Rehearsal and Performance Schedule for details.
View Tech/Performance Schedule
2024 Performer Packet
Below is important information about the production and your role, including production staff information, tips for a smooth enrollment, useful vocabulary and performer expectations. Whether you’re a seasoned cast member or a first-time performer, we hope you have a magical Nutcracker, A Kansas Ballet experience!
Important Dates
**All rehearsals are mandatory**
- Sept. 20: 12pm – Cast List announced online and performer information made available
- Sept 30: Production Enrollment due date
- Oct. 26: Rehearsals start for most roles (please check rehearsal schedule carefully)
- Oct. 26- Nov. 24: Regular rehearsals
- Nov. 25- Dec. 1: No Rehearsals – Thanksgiving Break
- Dec. 2-6: Brush Up Rehearsals
- Dec. 7-12: Full cast Tech/Dress Rehearsals – (Time TBA)
Performance Dates
- Dec. 13: Performance #1 @ 7pm
- Dec. 14: Performance #2 & #3 @ 2 & 7pm
- Dec. 15 : Performance #4 & #5 @ 1 & 5pm
- All cast members are required to enroll in the production by Friday, Sept. 29. You may enroll online or by contacting the front desk (785.843.2787).
- Cast members not enrolled by Sept. 29 risk forfeiting their role.
- If you wish to decline your role, please inform the School of Dance as soon as possible.
- The enrollment fee is non-refundable, with no exceptions, including illness or injury.
Deadline to enroll is Sept. 29.
Tickets can be purchased online or at the front desk starting Oct. 1.
Important information will be communicated in two ways:
- Text via Remind App (download)
Throughout the rehearsal process, tech week, and performances, cast and caregivers will receive weekly email and text updates from the production coordinator. Important announcements and documents will also be posted here on the Cast Hub.
For urgent matters, please call the front desk (785.843.2787). For other general questions, contact the School of Dance.
Child Pick-Up Policy
Dancers 5th Grade or Younger
To ensure the safety of all young dancers, parents must pick up their child(ren) at the studio’s door or other designated area at the end of each scheduled rehearsal or event.
Late Pick-Up
If you will be late, please call the front desk (785.843.2787). A late fee will be charged for any students remaining in the building more than 10 minutes after the end of class.
Required Attire
Cast members must wear proper dance attire with hair pulled securely back during all rehearsals. We recommend writing the performer’s name in their shoes and attire.
- Female-Identifying | Any style of leotard, pink tights and ballet shoes
- Male-Identifying | Black dance tights, leggings or athletic pants, a plain white t-shirt, black ballet or jazz shoes, and a dance belt (if wearing tights).
- Gender Non-Conforming | Select from the listed attire above to create a uniform that feels comfortable and productive for dance.
- Adults | Athletic or non-restrictive clothing and shoes that are appropriate for dance.
Performers who need assistance procuring dance attire and shoes, please get in touch with the School of Dance. Loaner shoes are available in the dressing room by Studios 206 and 208 in the Main Building.
**Required performance shoes and attire will be announced to the cast by Nov. 1.
Tech Week Rehearsal Attire
Beginning Tech Week, all performers must bring hair and makeup supplies, and undergarments (tights, trunks) to rehearsal. The Lawrence Arts Center will not provide the following items:
- Shoes
- Undergarments
- Makeup
- Bobby Pins
- Hair Ties
- Combs or Brushes
- Hair Spray
All performers are responsible for providing these items. A detailed list from the costume designer will be released via email in November.
Parents and caregivers are expected to volunteer throughout the run of the show. For the safety of our youth cast, all volunteers are required to complete a background check.
Parent volunteers (PV) are an essential part of any production — a solid and robust PV community helps ensure all details of the production come together smoothly, safely and professionally. Please carefully read the different opportunities to determine where you’d like to help.
As we determine when and where volunteers are needed, we will reach out to you.
Costume Team | Work with the Costume Designer to construct, tailor, mend or organize costumes.
Hair & Makeup Team | Work with the Hair and Makeup Consultant to style hair and apply performer makeup.
Security & Room Monitor Team | Safety and communication are key to the production. Security and room monitors create a safe environment for our cast.
- During Tech Week, Security and Room Monitors work with the Production Coordinator to ensure performers and their costumes are checked in and out.
- Room Monitors will ensure performers are ready for their call in complete costume.
- Security helps deescalate security issues and notifies the Production Coordinator of any emergencies.
All volunteers must complete the Volunteer Sign-Up Form by Oct. 6.
Volunteer Sign Up
"*" indicates required fields
Helpful Vocabulary
Call-Time | The actual time you are required to be at the theatre or rehearsal studio, ready to start work. Remember, “If you’re early, you’re on time!”
Rehearsal | A practice of a dance or a play.
Dress Rehearsal | The final rehearsal of a live show, in which everything is done as it would be in an actual performance.
Tech Week | The week before the opening night of the production, in which all the technical elements (such as costumes, lights, sound, set and makeup) are present during rehearsal for the first time.
Artistic Director | The person responsible for selecting and interpreting the works performed by a theatre, ballet, or opera company.
Choreographer | A person who composes the sequence of steps and moves for a performance of dance.
Stage Manager | A performer’s boss! Also, the person responsible for the lighting and other technical arrangements for a stage performance.
Parent Volunteer | A person who freely offers to participate in an enterprise or undertake a task. Also, the Volunteer Coordinator’s best friend!
Tchaikovsky | Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky (chai · kaaf · skee) was a Russian composer of the Romantic period, some of whose works are among the most famous music in the classical repertoire. He is the composer of the famous Nutcracker score.
Contact Us
Hanan Misko | Artistic Director, Choreographer
Cynthia Crews | Artistic Director of Lawrence Ballet Theatre, Choreographer
CLAIRE BUSS | School of Dance Coordinator
Samaria Fleig | Technical Director, Stage Manager
Financial Support
Financial Aid and payment plans are available. Please don’t hesitate to contact the front desk (785.843.2787) for more information.