Jeff Ridgway
Adult Visual Arts
Jeff Ridgway is a local artist who produces humanistic paintings, drawings and sculptures that are in collections throughout the United States and Europe. He has taught Life Drawing and Anatomy for the Artist at the Arts Center for over 25 years. Jeff has also taught Oil Painting, Portraiture and Pastel classes as well as various workshops during his tenure. He holds a Bachelor of Arts in Drawing, a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Painting and the Master of Fine Arts in Painting. Jeff is probably best known for his figurative work, especially portraiture, which he creates for both commission and whimsy.
Fundamentals of Oil Painting[25WSP]
03/25/25 - 05/13/25, 6:30PM - 8:30PM | TU
Ages 14 to 120 |
Jeff Ridgway |
Lawrence Arts Center
Class is Full - contact about waitlist | SAP22
Members $220 | Non-Members $220
Students will learn about the basic tools, chemistry, and control of oil paint with fundamental exercises that are of value to beginning and experienced artists alike. Learn how to develop paintings with lessons in composition, focus, and color.
Life Drawing & Anatomy for the Artist[25WSP]
03/27/25 - 05/15/25, 7:00PM - 9:30PM | TH
Ages 18 to 120 |
Jeff Ridgway |
Lawrence Arts Center
Enrolling Now | SAD54
Members $230 | Non-Members $230
Students learn to draw the human figure, working from a live model and using various drawing media. The models will do quick gesture poses at the beginning of each session and then a longer pose for the group. Must be 18 to enroll. Students must provide their own supplies. Photographic devices are not allowed.
Open Model[25WSP]
03/23/25 - 05/18/25, 1:00PM - 3:00PM | SU
Ages 18 to 120 |
Jeff Ridgway |
Lawrence Arts Center
Enrolling Now | SAD57
Members $200 | Non-Members $200
This class provides an opportunity for skilled artists to draw a model each week using their choice of media. This class is not for beginners. Students must provide their own art supplies. Must be 18 to enroll. Photographic devices not allowed. Students who are also enrolled in Life Drawing will get 50% off tuition on Open Model. No class on April 20th.
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