Erin Williams

Painting Animals[25WSP]
03/24/25 - 05/12/25, 7:00PM - 9:00PM | MO
Ages 14 to 120 |
Erin Williams |
Lawrence Arts Center
Enrolling Now | SAP21
Members $220 | Non-Members $220
Learn how to capture the personality and features of animals in this Animal Portrait class. Practice skills such as creating texture, painting fur, and capturing light.
Whittle Animal Workshop[25WSP]
03/28/25 - 04/18/25, 1:00PM - 3:00PM | FR
Ages 14 to 120 |
Erin Williams |
Lawrence Arts Center
Enrolling Now | SAJ25
Members $140 | Non-Members $140
Bring bass wood to life as you learn how to whittle in this Whittle Animal Workshop. Learn basic carving techniques and add dimension and character to your carvings by painting the finished pieces.
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