Auditions | Summer Youth Theatre 2025
March 14, 2025 9:00am -
April 12, 2025 11:00pm
$125 Members
$150 Non-members
You’re invited! As the primary funding source for the Exhibitions program at the Lawrence Arts Center, the Art Auction keeps exhibits free and accessible to the public. This year will showcase talented artists from all walks of life, from local preschool children to internationally renowned artists. Join us for an unforgettable evening!
View all 150+ pieces of art generously donated by participating artists for the Art Auction in the Lawrence Arts Center galleries from March 14 – April 12.
Exhibition | March 14 – April 12
Online viewing + Silent Auction | March 14 – April 12
Live Auction | Saturday, April 12
Featured Artist | Jeremy Rockwell
Participating Artists
Fally Afani, Ben Ahlvers, Katie Alldritt, Steve Anderson, Sue Ashline, Shawn Bitters, Shawn Brackbill, Mike Brehm, Kim Brook, Summer Brooks, John Gary Brown, Traci Bunkers, Liz Campbell, Twiggy Cercy, Deb Chaussee, Paul Chaussee, Ling-Lung Chen, Sunyoung Cheong, Jonathan Christensen Caballero, Erika Christine, Mona Cliff, Jack Collins, Kathryn Combs, Jim Connelly, Louis Copt, Anthony Corraro, Laurie Culling, Izzy Davis, Jennifer Davis, Ann Dean, Brielle Denise, Debbie Dillon, Clare Doveton, Alycia Earhart, Jeff Eaton, Connie Ehrlich, Barry Fitzgerald, Betsy Forcade, Tim Forcade, Joelle Ford, Charley Forsyth, Carolyn Foster, Nick Gadbois, Matthew Willie Garcia, Jan Gaumnitz, Archie Scott Gobber, Kyle Goddard, Susan Grace, Amy Gray, Jesse Gray, Sarah Gross, Lisa Grossman, Teresa Grove, Diane Guthrie, Richard Gwin, Barbara Hall, Stan Herd, Blanca Herrada, Amy Hilger, Anne Hollond, Brian Horsch, Dorothy Hoyt-Reed, Thomas Huang, John Hulsey, Matthew Jarmer, Stephen Johnson, Lora Jost, Alicia Kelly, Carly Kimbrough, Dan Kirchhefer, Bailey Kivett, Michael Krueger, John Kuhn, Margie Kuhn, Kris Kuksi, Sabrina Kuksi, Leslie Kuluva, Elizabeth “Grandma” Layton, Dave Loewenstein, Matthew Lord, Liza MacKinnon, Justin Marable, Anita Markley, Emily Markoulatos, Maria Martin, Theresa Martin, Marshall Maude, Michael McCaffrey, William “Mike” McCaffrey, Melissa McCormick, Missy McCoy, Robert McNown, Travis Millard, Gerry Miller, Chris Millspaugh, Ursula Minor, Rick Mitchell, Molly Murphy, Jason Needham, Ed Noonen, Chris North, Tom North, Philo Northrup, Tim O’Brien, Marty Olson, Javy Ortiz, Mike Ott, Anne Patterson, Donna Paul, Grace Peterson, Angie Pickman, Gabriel John Poucher, Wayne Propst, Rachel Rademacher, Laura Ramberg, Hollie Rice, Jeff Ridgway, Jeremy Rockwell, Michelle Rogne, Leni Salkind, Sharyl Salmonson, Nick Schmiedeler, John Sebelius, Roger Shimomura, Pat Slimmer, Andy Smith, Celia Smith, Harold Smith, Kent Smith, Heather Smith Jones, Adelai Spears, Lori Stanziola, Rick Stein, Kale Stewart, Aaron Storck, Kyla Strid, Rachael Sudlow, Robert Sudlow, Kathy Suprenant, Taro Takizawa, Ann Trusty, Jen Unekis, Dave Van Hee, Marciana Vequist, Jeff Weinberg, Sydni William, Shantel Wright-Hancock, Bryan Young, Roura Young, Hong Chun Zhang