Ceramics Classes in Lawrence

throw and Sculpt

doing clay designs

A Different Kind of Throw Down

Clay is an elemental medium. It is one of the oldest art forms in the world. And it’s part of your everyday life. From your morning coffee (or tea) cup to the toilet you sit on, ceramic objects are everywhere.

Clay is immensely malleable and can take any form, from a simple impression of your thumbprint to a beautifully sculpted figure. We offer a wide range of clay classes, from 1st Time Potter and Beginning Handbuilding, to special topics such as Atmospheric Firing, Mold Making, and Ceramic Surface classes to name a few. Discover the joys (and challenges) of working with ceramics.

With financial aid available, ceramics classes in Lawrence are open to everyone who wants to learn about the visual arts.

Our Facilities & Curriculum

The Path to Your Pottery

The ceramics classes we offer cover everything from the fundamentals of handbuilding to throwing on the wheel to open studio time for self-directed students and advanced classes. Courses also feature experimental approaches to ceramics, glazes, and so much more. The choice is yours! For our adult visual arts classes, the descriptions list what to expect from the courses.

Ceramics Class Facilities

We’re committed to providing the Lawrence area with a facility that welcomes them into the world of art. This includes our dedicated spaces for visual arts classes in Lawrence, each featuring the tools and technology you need to fully embrace your inner-artist.

Ceramics Studio

  • Private Resident Studio
  • 60 cubic ft. Geil Gas Kiln
  • 3 Electric Kilns
  • 15 Potter’s Wheels (Brent, Pacifica, Soldner)
  • Pug Mill
  • Extruder
  • Ball Mill
  • Slab Roller
  • Spray Booth
  • Stocked Raw Materials

Current Classes

Ceramics & Sculpture

Ceramic Jewelry [25WSP]
05/19/25 - 05/23/25, 5:30PM - 7:30PM | MO, TU, WE, TH, FR
Ages 14 to 120 | Kyla Strid | Lawrence Arts Center
Enrolling Now | SAC51
Members $150 | Non-Members $150
Learn the basics of both jewelry as well as small ceramic making. Explore using Nichrome wire in both functional and sculptural ways. Also learn how to color clay using mason stains. This course is suitable for beginners who have never worked with clay.
Luster Workshop [25WSP]
03/14/25 - 03/14/25, 1:30PM - 4:00PM | FR
Ages 14 to 120 | Adelai Spears | Lawrence Arts Center
Enrolling Now | WAC51
Members $60 | Non-Members $60
Learn the basics of ceramic luster overglazes and how to apply them in this one day workshop. Bring finished pieces you’d like to add an extra touch to. Previous ceramic experience required.
Ceramics Revolution[25WSP]
03/27/25 - 05/15/25, 7:30PM - 9:30PM | TH
Ages 14 to 120 | Hollie Rice | Lawrence Arts Center
Class is Full - contact about waitlist | SAC24
Members $220 | Non-Members $220
Fresh, new, and alternative approaches to working with clay are explored in this experimental class. All levels welcome!
Beginning Wheel Throwing[25WSP]
03/25/25 - 05/13/25, 6:30PM - 8:30PM | TU
Ages 14 to 120 | Michelle Rogne | Lawrence Arts Center
Class is Full - contact about waitlist | SAC12
Members $220 | Non-Members $220
This class is designed for beginning clay students who want to learn basic wheel throwing skills. This class will cover wedging, centering, wheel throwing, trimming, and glazing while making functional objects like cylinders, mugs, bowls, and plates.
Mold Making[25WSP]
03/28/25 - 05/16/25, 10:00AM - 12:00PM | FR
Ages 14 to 120 | Shantel Wright-Hancock | Lawrence Arts Center
Class is Full - contact about waitlist | SAC35
Members $220 | Non-Members $220
Learn how to create one- and two-part molds for slip casting using found forms or clay prototypes. We will cover the slipcasting process, and how working with slip is different from non-liquid clay. Previous clay experience recommended.
Coil Building Fancy Pots[25WSP]
03/29/25 - 05/17/25, 1:30PM - 3:30PM | SA
Ages 14 to 120 | Twiggy Cercy | Lawrence Arts Center
Enrolling Now | SAC36
Members $220 | Non-Members $220
This course will cover coil building methods to create vases, jars and functional wares. We will explore surface decoration with slip, underglaze and glazing techniques.
Beginning Wheel Throwing[25WSP]
03/29/25 - 05/17/25, 10:30AM - 12:30PM | SA
Ages 14 to 120 | Twiggy Cercy | Lawrence Arts Center
Class is Full - contact about waitlist | SAC16
Members $220 | Non-Members $220
This class is designed for beginning clay students who want to learn basic wheel throwing skills. This class will cover wedging, centering, wheel throwing, trimming, and glazing while making functional objects like cylinders, mugs, bowls, and plates.
Beginning Wheel Throwing[25WSP]
03/26/25 - 05/14/25, 2:00PM - 4:00PM | WE
Ages 14 to 120 | Adelai Spears | Lawrence Arts Center
Enrolling Now | SAC13
Members $220 | Non-Members $220
This class is designed for beginning clay students who want to learn basic wheel throwing skills. This class will cover wedging, centering, wheel throwing, trimming, and glazing while making functional objects like cylinders, mugs, bowls, and plates.
Beginning Wheel Throwing[25WSP]
03/24/25 - 05/12/25, 7:00PM - 9:00PM | MO
Ages 14 to 120 | Dehmie Dehmlow | Lawrence Arts Center
Class is Full - contact about waitlist | SAC11
Members $220 | Non-Members $220
This class is designed for beginning clay students who want to learn basic wheel throwing skills. This class will cover wedging, centering, wheel throwing, trimming, and glazing while making functional objects like cylinders, mugs, bowls, and plates.
Beginning Handbuilding[25WSP]
03/27/25 - 05/15/25, 5:00PM - 7:00PM | TH
Ages 14 to 120 | Gabriel Poucher | Lawrence Arts Center
Class is Full - contact about waitlist | SAC14
Members $220 | Non-Members $220
Students will learn basic building techniques through pinch pots, coiling, and slab construction and then transition into more advanced forming and surface decoration techniques.
Ceramic Surface Decoration[25WSP]
03/24/25 - 05/12/25, 5:00PM - 7:00PM | MO
Ages 14 to 120 | Gabriel Poucher | Lawrence Arts Center
Enrolling Now | SAC21
Members $220 | Non-Members $220
Students will explore a variety of techniques for decorating ceramic surfaces, with a focus on carving, sculpting, and underglaze. Open to all levels of experience.
Put a Lid on it![25WSP]
03/27/25 - 05/15/25, 10:00AM - 12:00PM | TH
Ages 14 to 120 | Adelai Spears | Lawrence Arts Center
Enrolling Now | SAC34
Members $220 | Non-Members $220
Let's take a deep dive into covered jars and closed forms to hold our favorite ingredients, cookies, or treasures. We will discuss various lid types and designs as we make forms to hold everything from rings to spaghetti. Previous clay experience required.
Beginning Wheel Throwing[25WSP]
03/28/25 - 05/16/25, 1:00PM - 3:00PM | FR
Ages 14 to 120 | Shantel Wright-Hancock | Lawrence Arts Center
Enrolling Now | SAC15
Members $220 | Non-Members $220
This class is designed for beginning clay students who want to learn basic wheel throwing skills. This class will cover wedging, centering, wheel throwing, trimming, and glazing while making functional objects like cylinders, mugs, bowls, and plates.

Class Gallery

Submit Your Artwork

woman in clay class

Make Art Part of Your Daily Life

Interested in enrolling in ceramics classes? We have financial aid available to those who need it to ensure classes are accessible to everyone.

Art is for Everyone

Making Art Accessible to All

Lawrence Arts Center is here to ensure anyone—of any age and any background—can connect with a supportive community and flex their creative muscles. With contemporary exhibitions, performances, and an array of art education classes for adults and kids, everyone will find something that’s right for them.

Our primary state-of-the-art facility at 940 New Hampshire St. features classrooms, studios, theatres, and more. We also have a satellite space for classes at 10th & Mass Studios!

people in an art class

Why Should You Consider Ceramics Classes