Adult Painting Classes in Lawrence

Express Yourself With Drawing & Painting

people in class together
people in class together

Put Your Imagination to Paper & Canvas

Do you have the desire to create a painting or drawing, but wish you had a stronger grasp on the tools and techniques that translate your vision accurately to the page? Or maybe you’re an accomplished artist looking to expand your skills and connect with community?

The Lawrence Art Center believes everyone is an artist–all you need to unleash it is a little guidance!

With financial aid available, adult painting classes and drawing classes in Lawrence are open to everyone who wants to learn about the visual arts.

Our Facilities & Curriculum

The Path to Your Artistry

The painting and drawing classes we offer cover everything from the fundamentals of different painting and drawing mediums to advanced classes like our Open Model options. The choice is yours! For our adult visual arts classes, the descriptions list what to expect from the courses.

Where You’ll Find Our Adult Painting & Drawing Classes

At the Lawrence Art Center, we have six dedicated spaces for our adult visual arts classes to ensure you have everything you need to succeed. Our facility includes two painting and drawing studios, as well as a ceramics studio, digital media lab, metals, jewelry, and fibers studio, printmaking studio, and photography studio.

Our Painting & Drawing Studios feature all of the general studio supplies you need to express yourself and have a lot of fun doing it!

Current Classes

Drawing & Painting

Abstracting Landscapes: Painting Workshop[25WSP]
05/19/25 - 05/23/25, 5:00PM - 7:30PM | MO, TU, WE, TH, FR
Ages 14 to 120 | Tim Stone | Lawrence Arts Center
Enrolling Now | SAP55
Members $170 | Non-Members $170
During this process driven, multi-medium workshop, we will cover how to abstractly capture visual space. Explore abstraction techniques while using various painting and color techniques, including stencil making. Learn how to dissect an image and build it back up in a way that is influenced by the inundation of technology in our daily lives.
Petite Compositions[25WSP]
04/25/25 - 05/16/25, 1:00PM - 3:00PM | FR
Ages 14 to 120 | Blanca Herrada | Lawrence Arts Center
Enrolling Now | SAP25
Members $120 | Non-Members $120
Learn how to create paintings on unconventionally small surfaces using a variety of mediums. We will also explore drawing, mixed media, and collaging. Some painting and drawing experience is helpful, but not essential.
Painting Animals[25WSP]
03/24/25 - 05/12/25, 7:00PM - 9:00PM | MO
Ages 14 to 120 | Erin Williams | Lawrence Arts Center
Enrolling Now | SAP21
Members $220 | Non-Members $220
Learn how to capture the personality and features of animals in this Animal Portrait class. Practice skills such as creating texture, painting fur, and capturing light.
Fundamentals of Oil Painting[25WSP]
03/25/25 - 05/13/25, 6:30PM - 8:30PM | TU
Ages 14 to 120 | Jeff Ridgway | Lawrence Arts Center
Class is Full - contact about waitlist | SAP22
Members $220 | Non-Members $220
Students will learn about the basic tools, chemistry, and control of oil paint with fundamental exercises that are of value to beginning and experienced artists alike. Learn how to develop paintings with lessons in composition, focus, and color.
Life Drawing & Anatomy for the Artist[25WSP]
03/27/25 - 05/15/25, 7:00PM - 9:30PM | TH
Ages 18 to 120 | Jeff Ridgway | Lawrence Arts Center
Enrolling Now | SAD54
Members $230 | Non-Members $230
Students learn to draw the human figure, working from a live model and using various drawing media. The models will do quick gesture poses at the beginning of each session and then a longer pose for the group. Must be 18 to enroll. Students must provide their own supplies. Photographic devices are not allowed.
Open Model[25WSP]
03/23/25 - 05/18/25, 1:00PM - 3:00PM | SU
Ages 18 to 120 | Jeff Ridgway | Lawrence Arts Center
Enrolling Now | SAD57
Members $200 | Non-Members $200
This class provides an opportunity for skilled artists to draw a model each week using their choice of media. This class is not for beginners. Students must provide their own art supplies. Must be 18 to enroll. Photographic devices not allowed. Students who are also enrolled in Life Drawing will get 50% off tuition on Open Model. No class on April 20th.
Drawing Lawrence: Blooms & Botanicals[25WSP]
03/28/25 - 05/16/25, 10:00AM - 12:00PM | FR
Ages 14 to 120 | Kent Smith | Off-site
Enrolling Now | SAD25
Members $220 | Non-Members $220
Celebrate spring sketchbooks in this plein-air drawing and painting class focused on the emerging plant life around Lawrence. This class will meet weekly, in a different location (both in-person and online). Study light, color, and plant forms using watercolors and various drawing media. This class has a non-refundable supply kit fee included of $40. Kits handed out on the first day of class.
Layers of Time: From Drawing to Collage[25WSP]
03/25/25 - 05/13/25, 6:30PM - 8:30PM | TU
Ages 14 to 120 | Lora Jost | Lawrence Arts Center
Enrolling Now | SAD22
Members $250 | Non-Members $250
Working on the same piece each week, we’ll draw, paint, letter, and collage, adding and subtracting layers to create a rich surface texture. Students will learn about composition, unity, transparency, and meaningful visual symbols, through this unfolding creative process.
Beginning Drawing[25WSP]
03/26/25 - 05/14/25, 5:00PM - 6:30PM | WE
Ages 14 to 120 | Matthew Lord | Lawrence Arts Center
Enrolling Now | SAD13
Members $210 | Non-Members $210
This class invites students of all levels to begin learning how to train the eyes and hands together. Observe and translate real objects into a two-dimensional drawing, render light and shadow, and delve into basic color theory.
Intro to Watercolor[25WSP]
03/26/25 - 05/14/25, 7:00PM - 9:00PM | WE
Ages 14 to 120 | Matthew Lord | Lawrence Arts Center
Enrolling Now | SAP23
Members $250 | Non-Members $250
This introductory watercolor class invites students from all levels to explore watercolor using multiple techniques. Discover mark making, color mixing, and a variety of subjects to render in this course.

Class Gallery

Submit Your Artwork

woman doing art

Make Art Part of Your Daily Life

Interested in enrolling in a painting or drawing class? We have financial aid available to those who need it to ensure classes are accessible to everyone.

paint tubes

Art is for Everyone

Making Art Accessible to All

Lawrence Arts Center is here to ensure anyone—of any age and any background—can connect with a supportive community and flex their creative muscles. With contemporary exhibitions, performances, and an array of visual arts education classes for adults and kids, everyone will find something that’s right for them.

Our primary state-of-the-art facility at 940 New Hampshire St. features classrooms, studios, theatres, and more. To further support the community, we also have a space for classes and rehearsal at 10th & Mass Studios.

paint palette

Why Should You Consider Adult Painting and Drawing Classes